Comments on: Best Leadership Books for 2015 [Infographic]
Entrepreneurship advice and mentorship from the most successful young entrepreneurs.Thu, 18 Aug 2016 17:10:12 +0000hourly1 Deborah Starling
Sat, 14 Mar 2015 05:38:44 +0000 You for sharing these. Much appreciated. You added to my reading list nicely for this month.
My absolute must-read recommendation would be Way of the Junglepreneur, written by David Fasanya.
I read business and self help books almost exclusively so I’ve read my fair share over the years but Way of the Junglepreneur was so fresh with unique and interesting ideas that I just could not put it down.
It comes with a really great work book that contains carefully planned exercises and can be of real value if followed through. The concepts and frameworks shared in this book can really help you get fast results. Reading this book gave me a totally fresh perspective that has really made in instant impact on me. A must-read in business books if there ever was one.