10 Simple Ways Founders Can Create Visibility for Themselves

When starting a business, the spotlight’s on your personal brand. What message are you going to convey?

Question: I am starting a new business but my personal brand is nonexistent. What is one thing I can start doing now to create visibility for myself?

Join Niche Communities

"Finding niche communities online has never been easier. Seek out and work in collaboration with others who share your interests, passions and values. This will provide an easy jumping-off point for conversations and connections that will likely be the assets that continually pay dividends in the future. It's also a simple way to grow your network and spread your ideas with like-minded individuals."

Create a Killer Bio Page for Yourself

"Create an amazing bio/CEO page that will tell your story. List your accomplishments, and offer your photos for download. When pitching to reporters and media outlets, referencing a page like that makes you professional and prepared, and it helps reporters get your info quickly and easily."

Put Yourself in Front of the Camera

"Start being the face of your company. Create a blog, whether a company blog or one you own, and share information. People will appreciate the candid insight, and it's very shareable content. We've done more video communication, and it's worked out quite well for the company to have a face to the brand."

Add Value

"In every interaction you have, make it your priority to see how you can best serve that person or add value to the interaction. If this is your genuine agenda, people will respond well, trust you and reciprocate as they are able. In other words, just be your authentic self. But make sure your authentic self isn't only concerned about itself."

Become an Expert

"Hopefully you have some experience in whatever you're tackling, so position yourself as an expert in that industry. As you continue to build the business, look into contributing to startup publications. Most of them are eager for free content."

Plan Before Creating

"It's easy to worry when you have no personal brand and start throwing stuff out there in the hope that you'll be taking meaningful action. That's the recipe for noise, not personal branding. If you want success, first create a vision of your personal brand that includes your target audience, the platforms you want to use, the mentors you want to work with, and how you'll monitor results."

Interview Experts in Your Industry

"In her latest book titled Stand Out, author, marketing strategist and speaker Dorie Clark recommends using interviews to acquire knowledge, develop relationships and grow your personal brand. Having direct contact with industry experts and influencers is easy when you put a meeting over coffee or a phone call in the context of an interview for your blog, podcast or email newsletter."

Look into Video Content

"Creating a YouTube channel and creating video content is an inexpensive and effective way to create visibility for yourself and your brand. Whether you are interested in creating "how-tos" for a niche market or humorous videos for a wider crowd of people, video content is intriguing and will entice many people to press "play." Be sure to use branding in each video so your business really sticks."


10 Simple Ways Founders Can Create Visibility for Themselves

When starting a business, the spotlight’s on your personal brand. What message are you going to convey?

Question: I am starting a new business but my personal brand is nonexistent. What is one thing I can start doing now to create visibility for myself?

Join Niche Communities

"Finding niche communities online has never been easier. Seek out and work in collaboration with others who share your interests, passions and values. This will provide an easy jumping-off point for conversations and connections that will likely be the assets that continually pay dividends in the future. It's also a simple way to grow your network and spread your ideas with like-minded individuals."

Create a Killer Bio Page for Yourself

"Create an amazing bio/CEO page that will tell your story. List your accomplishments, and offer your photos for download. When pitching to reporters and media outlets, referencing a page like that makes you professional and prepared, and it helps reporters get your info quickly and easily."

Put Yourself in Front of the Camera

"Start being the face of your company. Create a blog, whether a company blog or one you own, and share information. People will appreciate the candid insight, and it's very shareable content. We've done more video communication, and it's worked out quite well for the company to have a face to the brand."

Add Value

"In every interaction you have, make it your priority to see how you can best serve that person or add value to the interaction. If this is your genuine agenda, people will respond well, trust you and reciprocate as they are able. In other words, just be your authentic self. But make sure your authentic self isn't only concerned about itself."

Become an Expert

"Hopefully you have some experience in whatever you're tackling, so position yourself as an expert in that industry. As you continue to build the business, look into contributing to startup publications. Most of them are eager for free content."

Plan Before Creating

"It's easy to worry when you have no personal brand and start throwing stuff out there in the hope that you'll be taking meaningful action. That's the recipe for noise, not personal branding. If you want success, first create a vision of your personal brand that includes your target audience, the platforms you want to use, the mentors you want to work with, and how you'll monitor results."

Interview Experts in Your Industry

"In her latest book titled Stand Out, author, marketing strategist and speaker Dorie Clark recommends using interviews to acquire knowledge, develop relationships and grow your personal brand. Having direct contact with industry experts and influencers is easy when you put a meeting over coffee or a phone call in the context of an interview for your blog, podcast or email newsletter."

Look into Video Content

"Creating a YouTube channel and creating video content is an inexpensive and effective way to create visibility for yourself and your brand. Whether you are interested in creating "how-tos" for a niche market or humorous videos for a wider crowd of people, video content is intriguing and will entice many people to press "play." Be sure to use branding in each video so your business really sticks."

See Also: How to Land Big-Name Contracts (Regardless of Your Company Size)

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