6 Most Productive Questions to Ask Entrepreneurs in Different Industries

You never know what an outsider’s perspective can teach you.

Question: What is the most productive question you can ask a fellow entrepreneur in a different industry and why?

Question: What is the most productive question you can ask a fellow entrepreneur in a different industry and why?

How Do You Best Network?

"It is important to figure out how a fellow entrepreneur networks in their own way. Everyone networks differently and if you ask someone, you may be able to improve your own strategies."

How Do You Manage Stress?

"I've always found it interesting to look at how other entrepreneurs deal with being busy. How do they manage the stress of running a startup? What techniques do they have for staying focused, and how do they manage to stay organized and on top of all the work that comes their way? Asking a question like that, you can learn some valuable techniques of your own, and apply them to YOUR business."

What Ignited Your Spark?

"It is always interesting to know what ignited the spark in that person to start a new business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business."

How Do You Effectively Scale?

"Scaling is a challenge for many across all industries. I'd like to learn more about the process of determining all of the necessary moving parts, putting those gears in motion to combine exponential revenue growth with incrementally increasing costs, and throughout the process, maintaining exceptional company brand and quality."

What Are Your Most Valuable Skills?

"A good question to ask a fellow entrepreneur in a different industry is: What are some valuable skills you have learned throughout the years that have enhanced your productivity as an entrepreneur (from school, work, hobbies, and peers)?"


6 Most Productive Questions to Ask Entrepreneurs in Different Industries

You never know what an outsider’s perspective can teach you.

Question: What is the most productive question you can ask a fellow entrepreneur in a different industry and why?

Question: What is the most productive question you can ask a fellow entrepreneur in a different industry and why?

How Do You Best Network?

"It is important to figure out how a fellow entrepreneur networks in their own way. Everyone networks differently and if you ask someone, you may be able to improve your own strategies."

How Do You Manage Stress?

"I've always found it interesting to look at how other entrepreneurs deal with being busy. How do they manage the stress of running a startup? What techniques do they have for staying focused, and how do they manage to stay organized and on top of all the work that comes their way? Asking a question like that, you can learn some valuable techniques of your own, and apply them to YOUR business."

What Ignited Your Spark?

"It is always interesting to know what ignited the spark in that person to start a new business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business."

How Do You Effectively Scale?

"Scaling is a challenge for many across all industries. I'd like to learn more about the process of determining all of the necessary moving parts, putting those gears in motion to combine exponential revenue growth with incrementally increasing costs, and throughout the process, maintaining exceptional company brand and quality."

What Are Your Most Valuable Skills?

"A good question to ask a fellow entrepreneur in a different industry is: What are some valuable skills you have learned throughout the years that have enhanced your productivity as an entrepreneur (from school, work, hobbies, and peers)?"

See Also: 9 Strategies for Effectively Handing Off Time-Consuming Tasks

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