9 Ways to Get Your Developers to Focus More on Forward-Facing Design

Make sure they consider the user as they create.

Question: What’s your best tip for getting your developers to focus more heavily on UX / UI?

Consider User Scenario Testing

"We've had a lot of success with user scenario testing. This method takes what a buyer is trying to accomplish (buying a product), and, much like a story, walks through the process from the initial search to the purchase. A user case scenario may be more detailed, like how PayPal functions for the user, and tests several website functions simultaneously on the UI side."

Focus on It Yourself

"It's easy to point something out when it’s wrong, but not so much so when it actually comes to finding a solution and correcting it. Familiarize yourself with the tool that your developers use, and you'll find it's not as easy as it may seem. Afterwards, you will be in a better position to sit down with your developer and discuss how they can use it and how it can be improved."

Realize It's Not Your Developer's Job

"Your developers shouldn't be tasked with focusing on UX/UI; that's the first problem. You need to hire a UX/UI designer whose screens are then built by your developers.  Asking developers to focus on UX is like asking your dentist to help you pick better stocks. It's not their job."

Use Tools Like Crazy Egg

"We use Crazy Egg on all new sites and apps we develop.  This allows our developers to learn exactly how users navigate and go beyond theory and into reality. By making Crazy Egg part of our process, developers can have direct insights into users and adjust their design flows accordingly."

Hire a Specialist

"Traditional web designers and developers can, and probably do, possess solid command over UX/UI design skills. However, this is an area of expertise that benefits from having an expert onboard. If you can afford the resources, don't skimp. Find a user experience and user interface professional whose sole job it is to improve this aspect of your application. You'll thank yourself for it later."

Show Them the Analytics

"Our best updates come once developers have seen the actual analytics.  Show them that a small button change, layout shift or cutting some animation directly impacts conversions or bounce rate.  Once everyone sees the actual data, decisions become easier to make and it's possible to focus on a better UX/UI. "

Have Them Work Next to Your Designer

"Sit your developer and designer in the same room to work on the same product at the same time. It's so important! We see development and design get carved up and separated constantly. Having a developer and designer collaborating produces better products, since both disciplines are important to the overall result. They need to be able to advocate, discuss, and solve problems in production together. "

Compare the Process to iOS and Android

"When we talk about UX/UI, we compare the process of uninstalling an app on iOS and Android. On Android, it takes five clicks. On iOS, you tap and hold the icon, hit an X, and that's it. It's the same process, yet one takes five clicks and the other involves one gesture and one click. It's a great way to demonstrate how intuitive design results in fewer clicks."

Make Them the BETA Testers

"At APPEK Mobile Apps, we make our developers be the BETA testers of everything we build for our clients. This way, they're more likely to build the types of apps they love and want to use on a regular basis. The key to making this work is to have your front-end and back-end developers be part of the initial BETA group, and have them work closely to perfect user experience and interface design."


9 Ways to Get Your Developers to Focus More on Forward-Facing Design

Make sure they consider the user as they create.

Question: What’s your best tip for getting your developers to focus more heavily on UX / UI?

Consider User Scenario Testing

"We've had a lot of success with user scenario testing. This method takes what a buyer is trying to accomplish (buying a product), and, much like a story, walks through the process from the initial search to the purchase. A user case scenario may be more detailed, like how PayPal functions for the user, and tests several website functions simultaneously on the UI side."

Focus on It Yourself

"It's easy to point something out when it’s wrong, but not so much so when it actually comes to finding a solution and correcting it. Familiarize yourself with the tool that your developers use, and you'll find it's not as easy as it may seem. Afterwards, you will be in a better position to sit down with your developer and discuss how they can use it and how it can be improved."

Realize It's Not Your Developer's Job

"Your developers shouldn't be tasked with focusing on UX/UI; that's the first problem. You need to hire a UX/UI designer whose screens are then built by your developers.  Asking developers to focus on UX is like asking your dentist to help you pick better stocks. It's not their job."

Use Tools Like Crazy Egg

"We use Crazy Egg on all new sites and apps we develop.  This allows our developers to learn exactly how users navigate and go beyond theory and into reality. By making Crazy Egg part of our process, developers can have direct insights into users and adjust their design flows accordingly."

Hire a Specialist

"Traditional web designers and developers can, and probably do, possess solid command over UX/UI design skills. However, this is an area of expertise that benefits from having an expert onboard. If you can afford the resources, don't skimp. Find a user experience and user interface professional whose sole job it is to improve this aspect of your application. You'll thank yourself for it later."

Show Them the Analytics

"Our best updates come once developers have seen the actual analytics.  Show them that a small button change, layout shift or cutting some animation directly impacts conversions or bounce rate.  Once everyone sees the actual data, decisions become easier to make and it's possible to focus on a better UX/UI. "

Have Them Work Next to Your Designer

"Sit your developer and designer in the same room to work on the same product at the same time. It's so important! We see development and design get carved up and separated constantly. Having a developer and designer collaborating produces better products, since both disciplines are important to the overall result. They need to be able to advocate, discuss, and solve problems in production together. "

Compare the Process to iOS and Android

"When we talk about UX/UI, we compare the process of uninstalling an app on iOS and Android. On Android, it takes five clicks. On iOS, you tap and hold the icon, hit an X, and that's it. It's the same process, yet one takes five clicks and the other involves one gesture and one click. It's a great way to demonstrate how intuitive design results in fewer clicks."

Make Them the BETA Testers

"At APPEK Mobile Apps, we make our developers be the BETA testers of everything we build for our clients. This way, they're more likely to build the types of apps they love and want to use on a regular basis. The key to making this work is to have your front-end and back-end developers be part of the initial BETA group, and have them work closely to perfect user experience and interface design."

See Also: Inside Koss Creative Brands With Rusty Koss

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