10 Ways to Make Sure Your Brand Voice Is Consistent

Mixed messages will confuse your customers and discourage your team.

Question: What is one way you can make sure your brand voice is consistent across all departments?

Make it Part of Your Culture

"The voice of your brand shouldn’t be hard to pin down because it should be a baked in part of your company culture. This voice can also be reinforced through onboarding, training and codification."

Facilitate Crosstalk

"Having a house style guide is important, but less so than having a house that communicates. Always task department heads with keeping each other informed and on brand."

Create Internal Employee Advocacy Programs

"Depending on the size of your company, you can create an employee advocacy program where your different departments have a representative who is connected to any changes in your brand voice and brings that back to their department meetings. I've seen it work well for larger companies, and there is definitely a big push in that direction."

Hire an Editorial Director

"If a consistent brand voice is important to your company, invest in an editorial director who can work full time or on contract, depending on the amount of material there is to review. An editorial director can be a tremendous value-add for consistency and quality of content across your company."

Invest in Your Culture

"When you invest in your culture, your team aligns values. When they align values, they align language. Aligned language creates a unified voice. It all starts with culture."


10 Ways to Make Sure Your Brand Voice Is Consistent

Mixed messages will confuse your customers and discourage your team.

Question: What is one way you can make sure your brand voice is consistent across all departments?

Make it Part of Your Culture

"The voice of your brand shouldn’t be hard to pin down because it should be a baked in part of your company culture. This voice can also be reinforced through onboarding, training and codification."

Facilitate Crosstalk

"Having a house style guide is important, but less so than having a house that communicates. Always task department heads with keeping each other informed and on brand."

Create Internal Employee Advocacy Programs

"Depending on the size of your company, you can create an employee advocacy program where your different departments have a representative who is connected to any changes in your brand voice and brings that back to their department meetings. I've seen it work well for larger companies, and there is definitely a big push in that direction."

Hire an Editorial Director

"If a consistent brand voice is important to your company, invest in an editorial director who can work full time or on contract, depending on the amount of material there is to review. An editorial director can be a tremendous value-add for consistency and quality of content across your company."

Invest in Your Culture

"When you invest in your culture, your team aligns values. When they align values, they align language. Aligned language creates a unified voice. It all starts with culture."

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