11 Small Goals Entrepreneurs Should Accomplish Every Day

In the midst of your busy day, it’s often the little things that matter most.

Question: What is one thing you make sure to accomplish every day?

Tell People I Appreciate Them

"Stopping and saying that you appreciate someone who is on your team, in your mentor network, part of your family or even a random stranger who buys you coffee or opens the door for you helps keeps things positive even in the toughest times. It's nice to feel loved, so I make sure I share that same feeling."

Share My Company

"Sharing my company with a new person each day keeps me in touch with our product. It reminds me to continue improving our product's pitch and cater the message to each individual. Whether it's my Uber driver or the person sitting next to me on the plane, I find opportunities to introduce our company to people and hear their feedback."

Identify the Victories

"At the end of each work day, I always find time to identify three things that went well that day. Once I identify them, I ask the critical question, "Why did 'x' go well?" From there I can identify behaviors and actions that can be replicated for ongoing success for my company."

Acknowledge Failure

"Every day I make a point to find a failure or a problem and acknowledge it in a positive way. Looking for failures and problems is critical to establishing a transparent culture and building open lines of communication about taking responsibility. Problems and failures are OK, regardless of what industry you are in. Try to embrace them."

Update My Contacts

"At the end of every day I add new contacts to my contact list, connect with them on LinkedIn and Twitter, then review my calendar and make notes for following up. Building and maintaining relationships is very important to me, so this helps me to stay on top of it. It also helps me start the next day fresh. So taking the time to review and record my most recent contacts is a nice way to end the day."


11 Small Goals Entrepreneurs Should Accomplish Every Day

In the midst of your busy day, it’s often the little things that matter most.

Question: What is one thing you make sure to accomplish every day?

Tell People I Appreciate Them

"Stopping and saying that you appreciate someone who is on your team, in your mentor network, part of your family or even a random stranger who buys you coffee or opens the door for you helps keeps things positive even in the toughest times. It's nice to feel loved, so I make sure I share that same feeling."

Share My Company

"Sharing my company with a new person each day keeps me in touch with our product. It reminds me to continue improving our product's pitch and cater the message to each individual. Whether it's my Uber driver or the person sitting next to me on the plane, I find opportunities to introduce our company to people and hear their feedback."

Identify the Victories

"At the end of each work day, I always find time to identify three things that went well that day. Once I identify them, I ask the critical question, "Why did 'x' go well?" From there I can identify behaviors and actions that can be replicated for ongoing success for my company."

Acknowledge Failure

"Every day I make a point to find a failure or a problem and acknowledge it in a positive way. Looking for failures and problems is critical to establishing a transparent culture and building open lines of communication about taking responsibility. Problems and failures are OK, regardless of what industry you are in. Try to embrace them."

Update My Contacts

"At the end of every day I add new contacts to my contact list, connect with them on LinkedIn and Twitter, then review my calendar and make notes for following up. Building and maintaining relationships is very important to me, so this helps me to stay on top of it. It also helps me start the next day fresh. So taking the time to review and record my most recent contacts is a nice way to end the day."

See Also: Hiring Slowly? Try Hiring Well

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