celebrate milestones with your team

15 Unique Ways to Celebrate Major Milestones With Your Team

Think outside the box next time you’re planning a celebration for hitting a major company milestone.

Question: What is one awesome ritual you have for celebrating major wins with your team?

Question: What is one awesome ritual you have for celebrating major wins with your team?

Blasting "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled

"When a big partnership, sale or feature is made live, we play "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled on the office Sonos system. Nothing is more overtly triumphant, funny and memorable than a team dancing awkwardly around."

Heading to the Archery Range

"Well, sometimes we go to the archery range and sometimes we go to disc golf. And of course, there's bowling! The point is, we like to get out of the office together, and get away from work. Startups have major ups and downs. We want to capture the emotion of a big win; sharing fun experiences outside of work builds the bonds that help us get through the tough times."

Giving Out Cash Bonuses

"An oldie but a goodie. So while activities like parties, retreats, etc. all have their benefits, people are most motivated by cash. Bonuses are how we love to celebrate. It doesn't mean they're always huge paydays, but if the company has a major win, we believe it's important for all involved to reap the rewards. After all, the company is profiting from these wins and so should those responsible."

Popping Champagne

"We pop open a bottle of champagne each time a new employee hits their first home run. It's a time to acknowledge, celebrate and embrace a new team member. "

Sharing Wins Every Friday

"Every Friday at the end of the day, around 5 p.m., we stop what we're doing, pass arounds beers, and each person shares at least one big personal win for the week. Regardless of whether the week went well or if things were stressful, it always helps to go into the weekend with a triumphant feeling. And it's a great way for people to share with each other what they've been working on that week."

Ringing the Sales Gong

"We have a giant sales gong in the middle of the floor. A little noisy? Sure. But it rallies the company around new business and gets people motivated. It’s important to remember that sales allow us to invest in the growth of the company and this is a very visible sign of it."

Sharing Individual Results

"Because my company has remote teams, I reach out to individuals and show the results of their personal efforts. Knowing that your work has directly helped a community in need is so inspirational, and I always convey how appreciative I am for that person."

Celebrating Through Skype

"Our team and client footprints are global, which creates a number of challenges for us. To bridge the gap, we leverage technology so our joint teams feel like they know each other. When we achieve a milestone accomplishment, like a project launch, it's very common for our team members and our clients, all located in different areas, to toast on Skype so we can all celebrate together."

Hosting Company Lunches

"We like to take everyone out to lunch and we also do quarterly team outings. These things help keep everyone motivated and show appreciation for those major wins and milestones."

Giving Out Tony Robbins Conference Tickets

"One way I've celebrated big wins with my team has been to pay their way to attend a four day Tony Robbins "Unleash the Power Within" conference. The highlight of the conference is always the evening of day one, when the team member gets to walk on a hot bed of coals. Since starting this ritual back in 2007, I've rewarded more than 15 team members with free trips to Tony Robbins "UPW" conferences."

Completing the Wins Board

"We do a "Wins" meeting every Monday morning. Each employee writes down anything that was a “High Five/Fist Pump” from the prior week and everyone puts their wins on the board. Each year, we remove the wins, time capsule them and start with a fresh board. Wins can be anything -- personal or professional. We ensure that every week starts off focusing on the great things that happened last week."

Sponsoring a Dream

"Every time we hit a milestone, we, as a team, try to help one of our team members realize a life long dream. Say someone's dream is to take her son to Disneyland. One of us may find her a place to stay, one might donates miles for the flight and someone else might just pack her lunch. While towards this common goal, the entire team enjoys a great sense of satisfaction!"


celebrate milestones with your team

15 Unique Ways to Celebrate Major Milestones With Your Team

Think outside the box next time you’re planning a celebration for hitting a major company milestone.

Question: What is one awesome ritual you have for celebrating major wins with your team?

Question: What is one awesome ritual you have for celebrating major wins with your team?

Blasting "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled

"When a big partnership, sale or feature is made live, we play "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled on the office Sonos system. Nothing is more overtly triumphant, funny and memorable than a team dancing awkwardly around."

Heading to the Archery Range

"Well, sometimes we go to the archery range and sometimes we go to disc golf. And of course, there's bowling! The point is, we like to get out of the office together, and get away from work. Startups have major ups and downs. We want to capture the emotion of a big win; sharing fun experiences outside of work builds the bonds that help us get through the tough times."

Giving Out Cash Bonuses

"An oldie but a goodie. So while activities like parties, retreats, etc. all have their benefits, people are most motivated by cash. Bonuses are how we love to celebrate. It doesn't mean they're always huge paydays, but if the company has a major win, we believe it's important for all involved to reap the rewards. After all, the company is profiting from these wins and so should those responsible."

Popping Champagne

"We pop open a bottle of champagne each time a new employee hits their first home run. It's a time to acknowledge, celebrate and embrace a new team member. "

Sharing Wins Every Friday

"Every Friday at the end of the day, around 5 p.m., we stop what we're doing, pass arounds beers, and each person shares at least one big personal win for the week. Regardless of whether the week went well or if things were stressful, it always helps to go into the weekend with a triumphant feeling. And it's a great way for people to share with each other what they've been working on that week."

Ringing the Sales Gong

"We have a giant sales gong in the middle of the floor. A little noisy? Sure. But it rallies the company around new business and gets people motivated. It’s important to remember that sales allow us to invest in the growth of the company and this is a very visible sign of it."

Sharing Individual Results

"Because my company has remote teams, I reach out to individuals and show the results of their personal efforts. Knowing that your work has directly helped a community in need is so inspirational, and I always convey how appreciative I am for that person."

Celebrating Through Skype

"Our team and client footprints are global, which creates a number of challenges for us. To bridge the gap, we leverage technology so our joint teams feel like they know each other. When we achieve a milestone accomplishment, like a project launch, it's very common for our team members and our clients, all located in different areas, to toast on Skype so we can all celebrate together."

Hosting Company Lunches

"We like to take everyone out to lunch and we also do quarterly team outings. These things help keep everyone motivated and show appreciation for those major wins and milestones."

Giving Out Tony Robbins Conference Tickets

"One way I've celebrated big wins with my team has been to pay their way to attend a four day Tony Robbins "Unleash the Power Within" conference. The highlight of the conference is always the evening of day one, when the team member gets to walk on a hot bed of coals. Since starting this ritual back in 2007, I've rewarded more than 15 team members with free trips to Tony Robbins "UPW" conferences."

Completing the Wins Board

"We do a "Wins" meeting every Monday morning. Each employee writes down anything that was a “High Five/Fist Pump” from the prior week and everyone puts their wins on the board. Each year, we remove the wins, time capsule them and start with a fresh board. Wins can be anything -- personal or professional. We ensure that every week starts off focusing on the great things that happened last week."

Sponsoring a Dream

"Every time we hit a milestone, we, as a team, try to help one of our team members realize a life long dream. Say someone's dream is to take her son to Disneyland. One of us may find her a place to stay, one might donates miles for the flight and someone else might just pack her lunch. While towards this common goal, the entire team enjoys a great sense of satisfaction!"

See Also: 3 Ways Your Benefits Program Can Strengthen Employee Engagement

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