Question: What are some strategies or practices leaders can adopt to become more resilient?
Be Open to Change
"We are all about personality traits. Be humble, acknowledge when you made the wrong call, never lose respect for others and challenge your team to be creative and innovative. Be open and receptive to change the course of things if needed."
"I'm a big fan of meditation, especially if you're in a leadership position. It allows you to stay in control of yourself - in command of your mind and your emotions - even when things get difficult. By learning to confront, accept and rationally approach the negatives in your business, you'll be able to keep yourself on top of your game no matter what happens."
Stick to a Routine
"So many times it all can just feel like too much to handle, remember or process. I've found that a daily prayer and meditation practice can do wonders to keeping me grounded. This time investment pays off when things don't go my way. Remembering that there is a power greater than myself allows me to see challenges as an adventure rather than failure."
Accept Failures
"Previously, I would often give up on opportunities because I wanted to avoid failures. Instead, now I love seeing failures because I know they are a signal of progress."
Focus on Systems Instead of Goals
"I recently learned a mental hack: focus on systems, not goals. Focus on doing daily tasks that have a strong chance of helping you reach your goals, instead of on the end goal. If you're in sales, focus on making a certain amount of calls daily instead of total. You will feel accomplished and successful."
Define Failure for Yourself
"A while ago, one of my mentors asked me to define what success and failure mean to me. At the time, I had no idea that my answer to this question represented my internal belief system; one which could empower me or hold me back. The definition I have now helps me pursue my ambitions with resilience. Life guarantees challenges. Success might look different than you first thought."