13 Questions to Ask Your First Startup Hires

One of the most important qualities in an early-stage startup hire is the ability to grow with the company. Thirteen YEC’ers weigh in on which questions help you assess that hard-to-pin-down quality.

4 Ways to Conquer Your Fears and Take Smarter Risks

Risk equals reward. And the bigger the risk taken, the bigger the chance for a larger payout. Steven LeVine offers 4 ways to take smarter, better risks — and succeed faster.

YEC Member Spotlight: Brian Barnett, Founder/President, Florida Pro DJs

Florida Pro DJs founder Brian Barnett has a few words of advice for entrepreneurs in any industry — including that learning how to delegate is an absolute necessity.

What I Learned From Raising a Series A

By listening to their customers, finding investors who “got it” and persisting, David Politis and his team raised a Series A successfully. Here’s what he learned along the way.

11 Tips for Women Pitching Investors for the First Time

Female founders raising capital should do their homework, know their product/service and most of all, know their options inside and out long before pitching investors — and 10 other tips.

Find Your Dream Job Yet? 5 Reasons Why You Should Look Now

In spite of the dire financial straits so many of us are in, today — at this moment — you have the best chance of finding your dream job. Here’s why.

5 Things to Do After You Raise Startup Capital

Everyone talks about how to raise money, but few entrepreneurs discuss what to do with it after you already have it. Sunil Rajaraman, CEO of Scripted.com, offers 5 seasoned tips.

What One Skill Do All Entrepreneurs Need to Succeed?

Fifteen successful entrepreneurs answer a very difficult question: what is the #1 skill ALL entrepreneurs must possess to achieve success and why?

3 Key Lessons for Tech Founders

Neil Thanedar, founder of LabDoor, encourages tech startup founders to do more than just create the next mobile app if they want to succeed.

Never Stop Improving Your Product

Build a product that solves a real problem — and then never, ever stop improving it.