Categories HR and Management

Human resources (HR) might just be the most underrated job in your company.

That is, if you even have an HR person on staff. But even solopreneurs and freelancers will someday need to hire, fire and lead PEOPLE -- three of the toughest business activities we can think of. Great hires can make or break your company, and bad management can turn brilliant hires into underperforming drones. Sounds like a catch-22, right? But you can do better with practice (and advice).

Below, BusinessCollective authors share their most candid and practical management secrets, from must-ask interview questions to what it’s really like to give a bad performance review.

Job Hunting? 5 Tips to Prepare Your Social Profiles for Employers

Looking for a job? Here are 5 ways to make absolutely sure that when your future employer Googles you, they like what they find.

YEC Member Spotlight: Jonathan Jackson, CEO, Dimagi

Accomplished social entrepreneur and Dimagi CEO Jonathan Jackson shares some of his best startup advice in this exclusive YEC interview.

10 Tools That Simplify Startup Collaboration

Whether you work remotely or just like to collaborate with your team in the cloud, these 10 tools make brainstorming and sharing ideas 10x simpler.

5 Things You Need to Know About Interviewing at a Startup

Interviewing for a job at a startup requires an entrepreneurial approach, not classic textbook mediocrity. Max Sobol reveals 5 things all candidates should know before they get in the hot seat.

Questions & Answers