Categories Business Apps & Software

Between cloud-based software and powerful, business is more lightweight, inexpensive and mobile than ever.

YEC's experts share tips, tricks and preferred software to get just about anything done within a few short clicks, no matter what device you're on (or where you're working from). Plus, inside info for startups whose business it is to make the apps and software your company can’t live without.

You can never have too many apps, right? Well, here are some you might have heard of and some you probably haven't. The companies that call software production their very business weigh in on time-savers that will have you wondering how you ever lived without.

8 Tips for Making the Most of a New Social Media Platform

How do you add yet another social media platform to your marketing mix without doubling your workload along with it? Eight entrepreneurs share their best advice.

10 Tips for Migrating Your Startup Data to the Cloud

Moving your company data to the cloud can be a little scary at first. Use these 10 pieces of advice to successfully clean up and organize your data first.

9 Ways to Leverage Tools Like Yammer in Your Startup

Enterprise social networks like Yammer can be a great way to simulate the water-cooler chat many virtual or flex-time offices today are lacking — here’s how.

16 Must-Have Startup Gadgets and Tools

Other than their ever-on smartphones, which gadgets, tools and software help make these 16 entrepreneurs tick?