Inside Empowered Staffing With Sarah Yeverovich

Take training seriously, no matter how long it takes.

Sarah Yeverovich is co-founder of Empowered Staffing. Follow them @EmpowrdStaffing.

Recently, YEC spoke with Yeverovich about her employee management and company culture experience. Her best advice is below.

Find Out If Candidates Are Results-Driven

“What is important to you: giving 100 percent of your effort or the results?”

I ask this because you want a results-driven individual in your organization. Results are something concrete and effort differs from person to person. The time spent or amount of effort put in by an employee does not matter. That is simply something that can help lead to the result. You want an employee who answers that results are the most important.

Look For Team Players

Our culture is unique because we bring on people who understand that working in a team environment really helps themselves and the company grow. We are all willing to help and better each other. We have an open-door policy and a high comfort level among everyone on the team. Being able to approach each other and owners alike makes us all more successful.

Invest In Training

Remember that training is a continuous process. It does not end in the first, second or third month. There might be a lot of training at first. But the most successful people always train, which helps them learn and grow.

Provide Positive Reinforcements

To continuously invest in your culture, provide weekly and monthly SPIFF’s, or bonuses. You can do something as little as $15 gift cards to office lunches and parties. Create weekly goals for employees and teams. And once an individual reaches those goals, reward them. You can pitch bigger goals for the month and go on team outings. This helps with creating a good culture and a tighter team. Always give your team options and provide a survey to see what outing/event your team prefers partake in.


Inside Empowered Staffing With Sarah Yeverovich

Take training seriously, no matter how long it takes.

Sarah Yeverovich is co-founder of Empowered Staffing. Follow them @EmpowrdStaffing.

Recently, YEC spoke with Yeverovich about her employee management and company culture experience. Her best advice is below.

Find Out If Candidates Are Results-Driven

“What is important to you: giving 100 percent of your effort or the results?”

I ask this because you want a results-driven individual in your organization. Results are something concrete and effort differs from person to person. The time spent or amount of effort put in by an employee does not matter. That is simply something that can help lead to the result. You want an employee who answers that results are the most important.

Look For Team Players

Our culture is unique because we bring on people who understand that working in a team environment really helps themselves and the company grow. We are all willing to help and better each other. We have an open-door policy and a high comfort level among everyone on the team. Being able to approach each other and owners alike makes us all more successful.

Invest In Training

Remember that training is a continuous process. It does not end in the first, second or third month. There might be a lot of training at first. But the most successful people always train, which helps them learn and grow.

Provide Positive Reinforcements

To continuously invest in your culture, provide weekly and monthly SPIFF’s, or bonuses. You can do something as little as $15 gift cards to office lunches and parties. Create weekly goals for employees and teams. And once an individual reaches those goals, reward them. You can pitch bigger goals for the month and go on team outings. This helps with creating a good culture and a tighter team. Always give your team options and provide a survey to see what outing/event your team prefers partake in.

See Also: Time and Energy: What Is Your Return on Investment?

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