10 Characteristics All Successful Entrepreneurs Share

It takes more than a good idea to run a business.

Question: Name one characteristic that you believe all successful entrepreneurs share.

Question: Name one characteristic that you believe all successful entrepreneurs share.

Question: Name one characteristic that you believe all successful entrepreneurs share.


"The most successful entrepreneurs recognize they do not have time to get all the facts for the dozens of decisions they make each day. Instead, they need to gather just enough information to make sound decisions so their company can move forward. Some of those decisions will be wrong, but it is better to learn from those mistakes and try again than to be immobilized by indecision. "

Action Orientation

"It’s easy to dream about success, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. All successful entrepreneurs are generally action oriented. No matter how big or small the task, they get moving and do what it takes to bring their ideas to fruition."

Lateral Thinking

"The world's most interesting entrepreneurs -- the startups that disrupt incumbents and the companies that continuously innovate -- approach problems using what psychologists call lateral thinking. Instead of answering the questions given to them or following conventional wisdom, they rewrite the questions and break rules that aren't actually rules. "


"The world of startups can sometimes feel like "The Walking Dead" -- startups all around you are dying, almost dead or barely surviving. And the ones that are surviving are fighting for their lives every day. If you don't have strong optimism, it's not hard to just give up. Being optimistic means knowing that there is always a solution to every problem."

Self Discipline

"All successful entrepreneurs share the drive to work hard and do what needs to be done, glamorous or not, when no one is looking over their shoulders. They persist in their goals despite numerous inevitable setbacks, and they are able to sustain a single vision over time without losing interest or focus."


"For me, that would be commitment. It encompasses passion, focus and persistence. If you’re the kind of person who is excited by coming up with a plan, creative problem-solving and all the work that execution entails, you’re much likelier to find success. That said, you also need to have strong leadership skills plus the ability and the willingness to delegate."

Quick Learning

"Successful entrepreneurs run high-growth companies. The ability for leaders to learn fast enough to grow along with their organizations is the key difference between long-term success and failure."


10 Characteristics All Successful Entrepreneurs Share

It takes more than a good idea to run a business.

Question: Name one characteristic that you believe all successful entrepreneurs share.

Question: Name one characteristic that you believe all successful entrepreneurs share.

Question: Name one characteristic that you believe all successful entrepreneurs share.


"The most successful entrepreneurs recognize they do not have time to get all the facts for the dozens of decisions they make each day. Instead, they need to gather just enough information to make sound decisions so their company can move forward. Some of those decisions will be wrong, but it is better to learn from those mistakes and try again than to be immobilized by indecision. "

Action Orientation

"It’s easy to dream about success, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. All successful entrepreneurs are generally action oriented. No matter how big or small the task, they get moving and do what it takes to bring their ideas to fruition."

Lateral Thinking

"The world's most interesting entrepreneurs -- the startups that disrupt incumbents and the companies that continuously innovate -- approach problems using what psychologists call lateral thinking. Instead of answering the questions given to them or following conventional wisdom, they rewrite the questions and break rules that aren't actually rules. "


"The world of startups can sometimes feel like "The Walking Dead" -- startups all around you are dying, almost dead or barely surviving. And the ones that are surviving are fighting for their lives every day. If you don't have strong optimism, it's not hard to just give up. Being optimistic means knowing that there is always a solution to every problem."

Self Discipline

"All successful entrepreneurs share the drive to work hard and do what needs to be done, glamorous or not, when no one is looking over their shoulders. They persist in their goals despite numerous inevitable setbacks, and they are able to sustain a single vision over time without losing interest or focus."


"For me, that would be commitment. It encompasses passion, focus and persistence. If you’re the kind of person who is excited by coming up with a plan, creative problem-solving and all the work that execution entails, you’re much likelier to find success. That said, you also need to have strong leadership skills plus the ability and the willingness to delegate."

Quick Learning

"Successful entrepreneurs run high-growth companies. The ability for leaders to learn fast enough to grow along with their organizations is the key difference between long-term success and failure."

See Also: How to Succeed in a Crowded Market

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