9 Social Media Faux Pas

Stay away from these common traps.

Question: What should a company NOT do when it comes to crafting a social media strategy?

Post Too Much

"You want to make sure you’re posting enough relevant content that your followers are noticing, but not posting too often. It can get spammy and lead followers to hit that "unlike" or "unfollow" button. I know I have unfollowed brands before that simply posted too much. "

Forget to Listen

"Many businesses make the mistake of using social media purely as a megaphone. Companies should use social media to listen to their followers, fans and customers. Get feedback and engage in conversations or questions that result in constructive dialogue. Make it personal. Seeing larger organizations respond to individuals on social media in a meaningful way is a powerful message."

Outsource to a Foreign Country

"You should never outsource your social media strategy to someone outside your own country. I even like to have it be someone within my own state. This keeps the language, tone and overall vision of the company on the same page, especially when communicating with the outside world."

Focus on How Awesome You Are

"Broadcasting your awesomeness is lame. Ever been on a coffee date when all the other person did was share their awesomeness? Did you want to go to dinner and drinks? Of course not. Instead, use social media to amplify the heart and soul of your organization and celebrate your customers' victories."

Ignore the Importance of Visuals

"All of the most popular social channels are visual platforms. Ignoring the importance of high-quality graphics and images will derail your strategy before it even begins. Roll your visual strategy into your overall social media planning discussions, as it's often more important than any text or words you write on social. Visuals must grab attention, then quickly align with your overall strategy."

Focus on Vanity Metrics

"Follower counts look good, but they're rarely a useful indication of the success of a social media strategy. Like all marketing efforts, the aim of social media is to ultimately make sales. You can have 100,000 followers, but if none of them convert, you're wasting money. Social media sharing should leverage marketing personas and targeted content to build a valuable audience, not just any audience."

Use Linear Patterns on All Accounts

"Never allow your social media strategy to be linear across all platforms. Different users, demographics and strategies must be used for every social platform separately. Do not allow the same content to be shared on all platforms in the same manner. Hire people who understand how to manage each, rather than one person to run all of them. "

Set a Strict Schedule

"Your social media schedule should not be completely pre-determined. A few anchor items and an overarching theme are great, but your strategy should be based on producing quality content based on how your brand can add value to what's going on at the time. The best strategy for social media is to listen and adapt."

Focus Only on the Sell

"When creating a social media strategy, many companies flood their audiences with promotional content that is designed to sell. This can be overwhelming for some users who casually use social media. Always remember to mix in creative and informative content with your hard-sell content for the best results. Businesses that post informative content generally reach a much larger audience."


9 Social Media Faux Pas

Stay away from these common traps.

Question: What should a company NOT do when it comes to crafting a social media strategy?

Post Too Much

"You want to make sure you’re posting enough relevant content that your followers are noticing, but not posting too often. It can get spammy and lead followers to hit that "unlike" or "unfollow" button. I know I have unfollowed brands before that simply posted too much. "

Forget to Listen

"Many businesses make the mistake of using social media purely as a megaphone. Companies should use social media to listen to their followers, fans and customers. Get feedback and engage in conversations or questions that result in constructive dialogue. Make it personal. Seeing larger organizations respond to individuals on social media in a meaningful way is a powerful message."

Outsource to a Foreign Country

"You should never outsource your social media strategy to someone outside your own country. I even like to have it be someone within my own state. This keeps the language, tone and overall vision of the company on the same page, especially when communicating with the outside world."

Focus on How Awesome You Are

"Broadcasting your awesomeness is lame. Ever been on a coffee date when all the other person did was share their awesomeness? Did you want to go to dinner and drinks? Of course not. Instead, use social media to amplify the heart and soul of your organization and celebrate your customers' victories."

Ignore the Importance of Visuals

"All of the most popular social channels are visual platforms. Ignoring the importance of high-quality graphics and images will derail your strategy before it even begins. Roll your visual strategy into your overall social media planning discussions, as it's often more important than any text or words you write on social. Visuals must grab attention, then quickly align with your overall strategy."

Focus on Vanity Metrics

"Follower counts look good, but they're rarely a useful indication of the success of a social media strategy. Like all marketing efforts, the aim of social media is to ultimately make sales. You can have 100,000 followers, but if none of them convert, you're wasting money. Social media sharing should leverage marketing personas and targeted content to build a valuable audience, not just any audience."

Use Linear Patterns on All Accounts

"Never allow your social media strategy to be linear across all platforms. Different users, demographics and strategies must be used for every social platform separately. Do not allow the same content to be shared on all platforms in the same manner. Hire people who understand how to manage each, rather than one person to run all of them. "

Set a Strict Schedule

"Your social media schedule should not be completely pre-determined. A few anchor items and an overarching theme are great, but your strategy should be based on producing quality content based on how your brand can add value to what's going on at the time. The best strategy for social media is to listen and adapt."

Focus Only on the Sell

"When creating a social media strategy, many companies flood their audiences with promotional content that is designed to sell. This can be overwhelming for some users who casually use social media. Always remember to mix in creative and informative content with your hard-sell content for the best results. Businesses that post informative content generally reach a much larger audience."

See Also: Meet Saurabh Lahoti, Partner of Alacrity India

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