The 5-Minute Rule for Finding a Business Mentor

Natalie MacNeil shares her “5-minute rule” for finding informal mentors to help nurture you in your career, your business and your personal life in this “She Takes on the World” video.

LocalVox Founder on How to Spend Less Marketing Your Business Online

Learn how to save both time and resources by marketing your local business on your own. It isn’t as scary as you think!

How to Hire and Manage a Remote Startup Team

Is your team ready to leave the office and go virtual? If you get the logistics right, remote work can actually make your business more productive.

4 Steps to Create a Powerful Personal Brand

When someone says “Apple,” do you think of fruit — or one of the most legendary brands of our time? Mark Cenicola offers tips on how to build your personal brand to complement your company (and vice versa).

15 Warning Signs of Entrepreneurial Burnout

Yes, entrepreneurs work hard. But how hard is too hard? Beware these telltale signs of burnout — and take a 15-minute break if they sound familiar!

11 Things to Look for in Your Startup Partner

Finding a partner who will start up with you is a business relationship you don’t want to gamble with. Eleven female founders share what to look for before you sign a single paper.

What’s Your Startup Actually Worth? 10 Tips to Figure It Out

Trying to put a number value on an early-stage startup isn’t easy (and it’s very subjective). Ten entrepreneurs offer their best tips for coming up with a number that makes sense, especially to potential investors.

12 Top Apps for Business Travel

Twelve entrepreneurs share their favorite apps to make summer travel efficient and business-friendly.

Is Your Website Designed With Your Customers in Mind?

Customers view websites differently than the companies that design them. Flashy ads, pop-up banners and other tactics designed to generate leads can actually end up driving them away. Are you making that mistake, too?

You’re Not an Obstacle to Your Success

Is it an obstacle or an opportunity?