Business Leaders: Are You Listening (or Just Talking)?

Great leaders listen well and often. If you’re serious about improving your listening — and your business in the process — then you’ve got to measure it.

4 Code-Free Steps to Launch Your Business Website

Tips, tools and steps for making your online business a reality — even if you don’t know how to code a website.

12 Secrets to Being a Better and More Innovative Boss

To lead an innovative company that breeds creativity, there are some key things you need to know. Twelve entrepreneurs share their secrets to being a better (and more inspiring) boss.

3 Lessons I Learned After Skipping College to Start Up

Since she was 18 years old, Andrea Lake has started a total of 14 companies — and many of them are hugely successful. Here are 3 business lessons she’s learned from mentors along the way.

15 Negotiation Tactics for Startup Owners

Don’t enter the negotiation room unprepared. Fifteen successful young entrepreneurs share their top tips for sealing the deal.

How to Effectively Spend Your Online Marketing Budget

Don’t spend your online marketing budget on dead-end endeavors and empty PPC campaigns. Instead, leverage these tested ideas first.

Follow-Through Beats Luck

Luck has nothing on follow-through.

13 Qualities to Look for in Your Next Social Media Hire

What’s a social media director really do, anyway? And more to the point, what skills do they need to have to do it well?

11 Ideas to Boost Your Location-Based Marketing Efforts

Put Foursquare and Yelp to better use — and drive more foot traffic to your local business.

11 Things to Avoid When Raising Money From Friends and Family

Want to ask mom or grandma for startup cash? Great — but be very, very wary of how you approach them, the terms you offer and the steps you take to protect each other in the process.