Categories Cash Flow Management

Cash isn't king. Positive cash flow is.

Sounds complicated, but cash flow is actually a very simple concept: how much money is going INTO your business (usually from sales and accounts receivable) vs. how much is going OUT (e.g. to office expenses, utilities bills, payroll, taxes, insurance, contractors and vendors -- and the list goes on). Managing cash flow is an ongoing process you’ll have to master -- so that, when a bill comes due or it’s tax time again, you have enough cash in the bank to cover your bases, pay your people and keep the doors open (figuratively or otherwise).

Do you know where your business stands today? How about six months from now?

How to Effectively Spend Your Online Marketing Budget

Don’t spend your online marketing budget on dead-end endeavors and empty PPC campaigns. Instead, leverage these tested ideas first.

Cash Flow Really Is King: I Learned the Hard Way

Did your cash flow just screech to a halt? Justin Beegel of Infographic World has been there — and recovered, for good. Here’s how.

How to Bootstrap Your Dream Business in 10 Steps

Building a successful business doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. Here are 10 ways to build the business of your dreams, for less!

How to Master Your Company’s Financial Health

Tracking these 3 financial metrics is straightforward — and can save your startup a lot of frustration (and cash).