Categories Office & Operations

Operations: not the sexiest part of business, but easily one of the most important.

From managing the day-to-day operations of a small office to managing entire teams, resources and technology, keeping your company running smoothly (and under budget) is a key responsibility most founders face alone, at least at first. Get advice from BusinessCollective experts on creative ways to do it well -- and delegate the rest.

7 Things You Should Consider Before Hiring a New Vendor

Doing due diligence on potential vendors can be just as important as vetting internal hires.

12 Habits Guaranteed to Make You Happier at Work

Struggling to get through the day sometimes? Here are a few instant pick-me-ups.

6 Things You Should Automate Before Heading Out for the Holidays

Ready to take off for vacation? Don’t forget to do the following before you unplug.

9 Technical Skills All Non-Technical Founders Need

Some tech skills make a more efficient leader, no coding required.