Categories Marketing

Marketing: it sounds expensive, hard to do and hard to measure. But it doesn't have to be.

How do you REALLY reach your customers? What does 'lead generation' mean and how do you make sure you've got a robust lead list all the time? How does social media factor into marketing? Content marketing, social media marketing, viral marketing, mobile marketing, word of mouth…where do you start and what does it cost? Marketing can cause analysis paralysis -- but it doesn't have to.

Learn how to put together a marketing plan for your ideal customer, analyze your results and most of all, get actual customers excited and ready to buy.

Increasing Your Content’s Lifetime Value: 5 Keys

Publishing content isn’t a one-time thing.

3 Branding Exercises Every Founder Should Do

What do you specifically want people to know about your brand story?

How to Identify If You’re Ready for a Rebrand

Are you embarrassed to give people your business card? It might be time for a rebrand.

Make 2018 the Year That Values Drive Your Marketing Strategy

Stop throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks.

Questions & Answers