Categories Branding and Public Relations (PR)

Your brand is the heart and soul of your business -- if you do it well, it's often the reason a customer buys from YOU (and not that other guy).

Steve Jobs did it with Apple. Richard Branson did it with Virgin. A powerful CEO brand, coupled with a trusted company brand name, makes even the scrappiest startup unstoppable. Complement your brand with a public relations strategy for even more potent results.

The Importance of Product Design and Why It Hooks Customers

Don’t overlook design next time you come up with a new development plan.

How to Integrate Your PR and SEO Efforts to Extend Your Digital Reach

Thanks to Google’s content ranking standards, search engine optimization and public relations are now merging into one.

How to Optimize Your Physical Store as an Online Retail Brand

Although online-only business models promise higher returns, retail brands are starting to open brick-and-mortar locations to attract more consumers.

Environment Is Everything: Appealing to All of Your Customers’ Senses

Service-based companies can create memorable experiences by thinking beyond just the look of their environment and branding the smell, touch, sound and taste, too.

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