Categories Branding and Public Relations (PR)

Your brand is the heart and soul of your business -- if you do it well, it's often the reason a customer buys from YOU (and not that other guy).

Steve Jobs did it with Apple. Richard Branson did it with Virgin. A powerful CEO brand, coupled with a trusted company brand name, makes even the scrappiest startup unstoppable. Complement your brand with a public relations strategy for even more potent results.

Exceptional Brands Do Social Good

Being socially responsible isn’t just part of being a good citizen. It also gives your brand a stronger purpose.

Don’t Stereotype: 5 Common Mistakes Writers Make When Profiling Entrepreneurs

Everyone has taken a different journey to founding their own business.

13 Easy Ways to Start Establishing Your Personal Brand

If your name is only associated with your company’s brand, take some time to build a separate personal brand by improving your online presence.

9 Ways to Leverage TV Appearances to Build Your Brand

Don’t let an appearance on “Shark Tank” limit you to 15 minutes of fame. Use your TV appearance to create more opportunities for your business.

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