Categories Branding and Public Relations (PR)

Your brand is the heart and soul of your business -- if you do it well, it's often the reason a customer buys from YOU (and not that other guy).

Steve Jobs did it with Apple. Richard Branson did it with Virgin. A powerful CEO brand, coupled with a trusted company brand name, makes even the scrappiest startup unstoppable. Complement your brand with a public relations strategy for even more potent results.

Top Tricks for Creating a Killer Animated Explainer Video

A powerful animated explainer video will convert potential customers and make it easier for current ones to make referrals.

11 Powerful Ways to Define Your Personal Brand This Year

Now is a great time to focus on how you present yourself to clients, partners, prospects, and potential employees.

10 Simple Tips for Coming Up With a Unique Company Tagline

People are going to remember your motto. Make it stick.

Keys to Developing a Strong Social Media Presence for Your Brand

Make your brand’s presence known using these key insights.

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