Categories Leadership & Culture

Great leadership boils down to managing one key startup asset: your people.

You can’t expect to hire engaged startup employees off the bat -- your job is to manage them so they’re inspired to work harder, stay loyal and meet company goals. But hiring, firing and managing take practice; few of us are born managers. Plus, every decision you make (good or bad) helps set the tone for your company culture. That's a lot of responsibility. Are you up to the task?

15 Negotiation Tactics for Startup Owners

Don’t enter the negotiation room unprepared. Fifteen successful young entrepreneurs share their top tips for sealing the deal.

Follow-Through Beats Luck

Luck has nothing on follow-through.

13 Qualities to Look for in Your Next Social Media Hire

What’s a social media director really do, anyway? And more to the point, what skills do they need to have to do it well?

11 Tips to Cut Through the Noise and Maximize Productivity

When everything in your business is a priority, how do you cut through the noise and focus on what’s important? Eleven entrepreneurs share their best tricks.

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