Categories Leadership & Culture

Great leadership boils down to managing one key startup asset: your people.

You can’t expect to hire engaged startup employees off the bat -- your job is to manage them so they’re inspired to work harder, stay loyal and meet company goals. But hiring, firing and managing take practice; few of us are born managers. Plus, every decision you make (good or bad) helps set the tone for your company culture. That's a lot of responsibility. Are you up to the task?

13 Questions to Ask Your First Startup Hires

One of the most important qualities in an early-stage startup hire is the ability to grow with the company. Thirteen YEC’ers weigh in on which questions help you assess that hard-to-pin-down quality.

4 Ways to Conquer Your Fears and Take Smarter Risks

Risk equals reward. And the bigger the risk taken, the bigger the chance for a larger payout. Steven LeVine offers 4 ways to take smarter, better risks — and succeed faster.

13 Ways to Manage Your (Hectic) Schedule and Stay on Task

In a startup, there’s a lot of multitasking, a lot of changing priorities, and big pressure to execute quickly. How do you wear multiple hats and manage your time without dropping the ball?

5 Steps to Achieve Career Success — Without “Selling Out”

You don’t have to sell out your values to have a career (or start a company) that’s successful. Erica Dhawan shares 5 insights from her own leadership coaching experiences.

Questions & Answers