Categories Leadership & Culture

Great leadership boils down to managing one key startup asset: your people.

You can’t expect to hire engaged startup employees off the bat -- your job is to manage them so they’re inspired to work harder, stay loyal and meet company goals. But hiring, firing and managing take practice; few of us are born managers. Plus, every decision you make (good or bad) helps set the tone for your company culture. That's a lot of responsibility. Are you up to the task?

10 Perks Employees Love

Your team is the foundation of your company, so happy employees mean good business.

10 Things Startups Can Teach Big Companies

Big businesses may have a size advantage, but there’s a lot they can learn from their smaller, leaner counterparts.

5 Ways Early-Stage Entrepreneurs Can Avoid Employee Fraud

Everyone makes mistakes — but hiring even one wrong person is one of the worst errors you can make.

10 Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneur Parents-to-Be

Running a business and raising a child can be a lot alike, but both require commitment and patience. Take this advice before your bundle of joy arrives.

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