These three quotes will give you the inspiration needed to move ahead in your business.
Categories Leadership & Culture
Great leadership boils down to managing one key startup asset: your people.
You can’t expect to hire engaged startup employees off the bat -- your job is to manage them so they’re inspired to work harder, stay loyal and meet company goals. But hiring, firing and managing take practice; few of us are born managers. Plus, every decision you make (good or bad) helps set the tone for your company culture. That's a lot of responsibility. Are you up to the task?
5 Rules for Creating Contagious Positivity in Your Workplace
Building a culture of positivity in your workplace will work wonders for productivity and team morale.
3 Strategies for Impressing Your Next Millennial Boss
There is nothing management likes to hear less than the phrase, ‘That’s not part of my job description.’”